Legendary American country folk singer-songwriter and Maywood, Illinois-native
John Prine gave the world 50 years of music.

The two-time Grammy-winner’s journey spanned from his postal routes in Chicago’s
suburbs to stages all over the world.

Prine’s music paved the way for aspiring folk singer-songwriters of his time
and leaves us a legacy of music that spanned five decades.  

April 7 marked a year since Prine passed from COVID-19. 

Bruce Rits Gilbert, an avid fan of  Prine’s work was stunned by the untimely death of his favorite artist. Wanting to share his admiration for Prine, Rits Gilbert got together with his family and friends (over Zoom) and each week the group listened to a Prine album, discussed the music and shared fun facts about the artist. It brought his loved ones closer at a time when they could not physically be together. 

“Many of us who were fans felt like a dear friend had died,” said Rits Gilbert. “So many of us mourned in certain ways, I did it by starting the John Prine album club.” 

The album club provided a space for Rits Gilbert to mourn and celebrate the career of John Prine. In the process of researching facts about Prine, Rits Gilbert realized there weren’t many books written about his favorite musician. He did what any superfan would do, he decided to write his own.

John Prine One Song at a Time takes the reader on a journey through all of Prine’s legacy as the title would suggest, one song at a time. It’s the perfect read for any music lover and especially fans of Prine, who were moved by his untimely passing.

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