CHICAGO – Ah January! The start of a new year and for many the perfect time for a fresh start, a reset, or a regroup.

This often means setting goals and making New Year’s resolutions.

These can range from losing weight and eating healthier, to spending less money or being more social. Whatever your resolution, the sad reality is many people fail or give up on them before the month of January even ends.

Doctor Munther Barakat, Director of Behavioral Health Therapy at Aurora Psychiatric Hospital says you really have to make your goal clear, and you need to have a plan in place in order to be successful with your New Year’s resolutions.

He advises that you break your resolutions into pieces and have realistic expectations for the results. Barakat also suggests you share your resolutions with family and friends. He says you’re likely to get support for your efforts plus be held accountable for your actions which can further help you reach your goals.

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